Rebirth Chocolate與故宮博物院合作開發祝福文字70%黑巧克力禮盒,結合了國立故宮博物院藏品「晉王羲之平安何如奉橘三帖 卷」、「宋蘇軾書歸去來辭 卷」、「清康熙避暑山莊法帖」(局部)及「明 仇英 漢宮春曉圖 卷」之筆墨製作出【平安】、【順心】、【百財】、【如意】等四款巧克力,讓祝福增添文化之底蘊。
The design of this item is inspired by the National Palace Museum’s collection, “Three Passages: Ping’an, Heru and Fengju, Wang Xizhi, Jin dynasty”, “The Homecoming Ode, Su Shi, Song dynasty”, “Modelbook Calligraphy in Chengde Mountain Resort, Kangxi reign, Qing dynasty”, and “A Spring Morning at the Palace of Han, Qiu Ying, Ming dynasty”. Those Chinese characters on chocolate are full of blessing and well-being, such as ‘Ping-an(平安)’ means ‘peace’, ‘Shun-xin(順心)’ means ‘satisfied’, ‘Bai-cai(百財)’ means ‘prosperity’ and ‘Ru-yi(如意)’ means ‘good fortune’.
相關商品連結 故宮精品